payment for environmental services, ecosystem services, disaster, disaster risk reduction, public policyResumo
Extreme weather events and disaster records have increased in Brazil and the creation of consolidated public policies for disaster risk management is still recent. The country’s history of occupation and economic development has led to the removal of the original vegetation cover and a possible imbalance in ecosystems and their services that contribute to sustainable solutions for disaster risk reduction (DRR), adaptation to climate change and sustainable development. Payment for environmental services (PES) programs can serve as environmental policy instruments for transferring financial resources to those providing environmental services. Brazil recently regulated the National Policy on Payment for Environmental Services (PNPSA) – Law No. 14.119/2021 – and this study aimed to verify the inclusion of regulatory ecosystem services that contribute to DRR in this legislation. It used the problem diagnosis analysis presented by the Public Policy Guide (Casa Civil da Presidência da República, 2018) organized in stages with mixed methodology. This research contributes to scientific investigations for PSE and discusses the contributions of PNPSA in the area of disaster risk reduction that can bring social and environmental gains in the context of the global environmental crisis.
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