Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada

Pequenas, Médias e Grandes Empresas

The Debate on the state-owned enterprises performance in the country : main arguments

Kliass, Paulo;

Pequenas, Médias e Grandes Empresas: Artigos.

Publicado em: Dez-2022

The Debate on the state-owned enterprises performance in the country : main arguments

The seventh text, by Paulo Kliass, continues the debate on state-owned companies in Brazil. In this study, originally published in December 2018, the author describes the main arguments historically adopted in Brazil against the long tradition of establishing state-owned companies. Among the arguments the following stand out, motivations of ideological nature, the belief in private efficiency, and pragmatic measures to solve fiscal problems.

MAIS DETALHES * Abrirá no Repositório do Conhecimento do Ipea, em nova página.


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