Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada

Direito. Legislação

From #vidasnasfavelasimportam to #nóspornós : peripheral youth at the center of the debate on drug policy

Telles, Ana Clara; Arouca, Luna; Santiago, Raull;

Direito. Legislação: Artigos.

Publicado em: Dez-2022

From #vidasnasfavelasimportam to #nóspornós : peripheral youth at the center of the debate on drug policy

The sixth contribution, by Ana Clara Telles, Luna Arouca, and Raull Santiago, deals with the role played by peripheral youth in the debate on drugs. In this study, published in December 2018, the authors discuss the reality in Brazil and how youth from favelas and urban peripheries end up being more negatively affected by anti-drug policies. Centered on the narrative of the creation of the Movimentos project, the authors highlight new and noticeable principles that could potentially transform this scenario that is significantly shaped by racism and inequality.

MAIS DETALHES * Abrirá no Repositório do Conhecimento do Ipea, em nova página.


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