The Center

The Center

The Center for Research on Science, Technology and Society

The Center for Research on Science, Technology and Society, as part of Ipea, brings together researchers from different areas of knowledge focused on the study of the impacts of science and technology on society, especially in areas related to health, education and sustainability, and their consequences on the population’s quality of life.

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Our mission

Having in mind that science and technology are strategic for development, the mission of the Center is to produce and disseminate knowledge about the social and economic impacts of the scientific advances and the new technologies, developing public policies capable of amplifying their positive effects on people's lives, especially in areas such as health, education and sustainability.


Relevant issues

The research conducted in the Center and its members are guided by some general questions such as:

  • What have been the impacts of science and new technologies on society, especially on education and people's health?
  • How to accelerate the production and diffusion of new technologies in health, education and sustainability, and which are the obstacles so that they can be more widely used by society?
  • How can public policies stimulate (or have stimulated) scientific production and the development of new technologies that contribute to overcoming critical problems in areas such as education, health and sustainability?
  • What emerging technologies can change - in the not-too-distant future - how to diagnose and treat diseases and how we educate people and disseminate information?
  • How are new technologies changing job qualifications and how can the education system respond to these changes?
  • To what extent has scientific and technological progress contributed or may contribute in the future to mitigate socio-economic inequalities and how can public policies work to ensure that the benefits of technical progress are more widely distributed in society?


To fulfill its mission, the Center seeks to develop a series of activities, including some of it in partnership with other institutions, such as:

Ícone que representa uma pessoa palestrando para uma plateia.

Seminars and workshops with Ipea researchers and invited researchers;

Ícone que representa uma pessoa falando em um púlpito à frente de um microfone.

Organization of Symposiums on the research questions that are relevant to the Center;

Ícone que representa um globo terrestre com duas setas paralelas apontando em direções opostas, dando o sentido de troca.

Exchange of researchers with reference centers around the world who are researching the relationship between science, technology and society;

Ícone que exibe uma folha de papel com o canto superior esquerdo dobrado. Há uma sombra abaixo da folha, dando a entender que a folha está sobre uma pilha de outras folhas.

Production of academic papers and publications;

Ícone que representa um livro.

Dissemination of its activities and the results of its research in specific bulletins and in the Center webpage;

Ícone que representa equipamentos de laboratório.

Conduct experiments in public policies for innovation, seeking new ways to foster the production of technologies of social impact.